How To Treat Constipation Using Magnesium Citrate

Constipation affects millions of Americans every year. And odds are you’ll experience it at some point in your life.

Most constipation is caused by things like diet and lifestyle choices. However, it can also be the result of an underlying medical issue.

But regardless of why you’re constipated, magnesium citrate can help. Better yet, this supplement is now widely available, so buying it is easy.

It also has little side effects, making it a safe alternative to other OTC (Over The Counter) constipation medications.

Are you battling constipation and looking for ways to treat it? Keep on reading why you might be constipated to begin with and how magnesium citrate can help with that.

What Is Constipation?

Before we explain how magnesium citrate can help with your constipation, it’s important to know what constipation is in the first place.

Constipation is referred to as an inability to experience a bowel movement. If you haven’t had a bowel movement over the course of 48 hours, you’re experiencing constipation.

After a while, constipation can cause toxins to build up in your body, which can lead to a host of problems.

Bloating, high blood pressure, and even appendicitis can all occur because of constipation. It can also cause changes in your mood, as well.

What Causes Constipation?

Like with many other bodily issues, constipation can be the result of more than one problem. Here are a few things that can cause you to experience constipation:

You’re Dehydrated

Not having enough water is one of the most common culprits of constipation. Water helps to keep the stool in our body loose, making it easy to pass.

If you’re dehydrated, your stool can harden and become difficult to excrete.

You Don’t Have Enough Fiber

By now, you’ve probably seen more advertisements on fiber than you’d like.

But each is true: Eating your daily recommended amounts of fiber is crucial to keeping your bowels working like they should.

One of the easiest ways to make sure you’re getting enough fiber is to eat proper amounts of fruits and vegetables.

If you’re still having trouble getting the fiber after following a proper diet, take a fiber supplement.

You’re Stressed

Interestingly enough, stress can also make you constipated. Stress causes your body think you’re in a fight-or-flight scenario.

In these situations, you, in theory, don’t have time to pass a bowel movement.

By alleviating stress in your life, your body realizes it’s not in danger. And, because so, will help with your constipation symptoms.

Your Medication (Or Medications) Could Cause You To Be Constipated

The side effects of certain medications can cause constipation. If you’re experienced constipation and regularly take prescribed medications, consult with your doctor.

He or she can explain why those medications are causing you to feel constipated, as well as how to alleviate it.

You’re Not Getting Enough Physical Exercise

Exercising doesn’t just help with your stamina and physique. It also helps keep your bowel movements regular.

People who exercise a few times a week experience few instances of constipation than those who don’t work out at all.

What Is Magnesium Citrate?

Magnesium citrate is a natural and OTC supplement that works as a mild laxative. More specifically it’s an osmotic laxative.

This means it both relaxes your bowels and draws water into your large and small intestines. The water pulled by the magnesium citrate helps to loosen your stool.

And by relaxing the digestive tract, the magnesium citrate also helps it pass much more easily.

When dosed correctly, magnesium citrate is one of the safest and gentle laxatives to use.

What Are The Benefits Of Magnesium Citrate?

Like we said before: Magnesium citrate can help treat symptoms of constipation. But this OTC supplement also has other benefits over other traditional laxatives.

Here are just a few:

  • Magnesium citrate is a natural supplement, which means it’s incredibly safe to use.
  • It can help the body’s bowels retain water, even after being dosed.
  • Magnesium citrate can help detoxify the body of built-up pollutants.
  • It can help with excess bloating and stomach cramping.
  • Magnesium citrate is not a stimulant laxative, which means it won’t create cramping or irregular bowel movements.
  • It’s a less immediate laxative, so it won’t send you racing to the restroom after taking it.
  • Magnesium citrate has also been shown to improve a person’s quality of sleep.
  • It can help with feelings of anxiety and nervousness.

What’s The Proper Dosage Of Magnesium Citrate To Take?

Depending on your sex, age, and weight, the correct amount of magnesium citrate to take will vary.

For men between 19 and 30 years old, consider taking 400 mg (milligrams) a day to help alleviate constipation. However, men over the age of 30 can take up to 420 mg a day.

For women between 19 and 30 years old, 300 mg of magnesium citrate a day is recommended to help treat constipation. Women over 30 can safely take around 350 mg of magnesium citrate a day.

Adults of any sex, age, and weight should take magnesium citrate only once a day.

When taking magnesium citrate, make sure to use pills and capsules. Magnesium citrate drink-like solutions are currently on the market but can be hard to dose correctly.

Before giving any child under 12 magnesium citrate, it’s best to consult with a pediatrician.

What Are The Side Effects Of Taking Magnesium Citrate?

When taken in correct dosages, magnesium citrate is incredibly safe. However, some people might react to the natural supplement differently than others.

Below are a few side effects that can happen when taking magnesium citrate:

  • Magnesium citrate can cause dehydration and excess urination.
  • It can cause severe diarrhea and frequent trips to the bathroom.
  • In certain people, magnesium citrate can cause nausea.
  • Magnesium citrate can put unneeded stress on the kidneys.
  • It can make absorbing certain vitamins and mineral difficult.
  • Some people might experience excessive weight loss as a result of taking magnesium citrate.
  • For people who have severe constipation, magnesium citrate can cause an upset stomach.

Most of these side effects can be avoided by dosing the supplement correctly.

So before taking magnesium citrate, double-check to make sure you’re taking it in the right amounts.

Are There Certain Reasons Why People Shouldn’t Take Magnesium Citrate?

Even though this is an incredibly safe supplement to take, there are still individuals who shouldn’t use magnesium citrate. Consider the following before taking magnesium citrate:

  • You’ve had appendicitis in the past.
  • You have trouble absorbing nutrients from foods.
  • You suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
  • You have Crohn’s Disease.
  • You have a hard time staying hydrated.
  • You’re currently on other bowel or digestive medications.
  • You have major kidney issues.
  • You have a history of developing gallstones.

If any of the above relate to you, it’s important you consult a doctor before starting magnesium citrate.

He or she can tell you if it’s safe for you to take, given your past or present health concerns.

How Do I Take Magnesium Citrate For Constipation?

Taking magnesium citrate is easy. Adults can consume their recommended dose in either pill or capsule form, followed by drinking a full glass of water.

Because of how this laxative reacts to the body, it won’t send you racing to the toilet.

However, it’s a not a great idea to take magnesium citrate right before going on a lengthy commute or a road trip.

It’s a good idea to take magnesium citrate on an empty stomach. Consider taking it first thing in the morning. This will help the supplement work most effectively in your body.

Also, make sure you’re well hydrated before taking magnesium citrate.

Magnesium citrate, as we’ve mentioned before, will pull water into the intestines. If you’re dehydrated, this will only make matters worse.

For this reason alone, don’t take magnesium citrate before working out or when you’re dehydrated.

Some Final Thoughts On Magnesium Citrate

It’s completely natural and healthy to experience constipation. Given how hectic or daily lives are these days, bowel blockages are bound to happen.

But, thankfully, magnesium citrate can help keep you regular. When taken correctly, it’s a safe and effective way to relieve constipation.

However, it’s worth noting that constipation is usually caused by an underlying issue. Magnesium citrate can help with occasional constipation.

But you should consult with a doctor for chronic constipation. In some cases, your constipation might need other medical approaches.

So, doing things like eating right and exercising can make sure you stay constipation free.

But for those times where you’re a little backed up, consider taking magnesium citrate.

Your bowels will thank you for it later.

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