Stretch Mark Removal: How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

When you get dressed in the morning, do you notice these long, rippled, streaky lines that seem to crowd around specific areas on your body?

They may resemble scars due to their appearance on your skin, but they are indented and appear to have occurred overnight.

These streaky lines are known as Striae gravidarum, or the more common term for them would be stretch marks.

They can look unsightly and discolored, but they’re a natural occurrence that everyone experiences at some point in their lives or another.

While they can be unappealing, they don’t have to be permanent. In fact, there are several ways to get rid of them and return your skin to looking smooth and soft.

We’ll go over generalized information regarding Stretch Mark Removal and some of the best methods of getting rid of them once and for all.

What Are Stretch Marks Anyway?

It’s always best to determine what these ugly lines are before tackling the problem of getting rid of them.

Stretch marks occur when your skin cannot keep up with your body’s growth of any kind.

Children can get them when they hit a sudden growth spurt, while women commonly get them when they hit puberty or undergo pregnancy.

The following are further explanations for why people get stretch marks:

  • Quick weight gain
  • Childhood growth spurts
  • Pregnancy
  • Breast implant surgery
  • Bodybuilding
  • High amounts of steroid medication
  • Marfan Syndrome

You’re still more likely to get stretch marks if they run in your family.

It’s important to remember that women have a relatively high chance of attracting them.

Why does this happen? What causes stretch marks to stretch and tear like that?

Stretch marks are a disturbance in our skin’s elastic fiber, so when we grow and our skin can’t keep up, it begins to tear on a molecular level.

The skin is more stretchable thanks to a hormone known as collagen, which is responsible for keeping your body malleable, so you can have free range of motion without breaking your skin whenever you move.

Although harmless, stretch marks are unattractive and can make people feel insecure about their appearance.

Luckily for us, even if your newly formed stretch marks come in a deep red or purple color, most of the time they will fade to your natural skin tone over time.

It just needs a little bit of time to recover from its sudden need to stretch.

The exciting thing is that not everyone will get stretch marks in the same places; most of it is dependent on your lifestyle habits and genetics, but there are more common areas where stretch marks can appear.

  • Arms
  • Back
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Shoulders
  • Stomach
  • Torso

Stretch marks are more common in these areas, but they can occur anywhere where the skin stretches quickly.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks don’t have to be a permanent situation, but understand that stretch marks are a very regular part of the human body.

Thus, any sudden weight gain or growth will cause more. Now with that out of the way, let’s look at some of the more popular ways to get rid of stretch marks.

Starting with a prevention program will help keep new stretch marks at bay.

Dermatologists typically recommend starting with staying well hydrated and maintaining a proper weight.

If your skin is dry and flaky, its base will make it easier to tear, which we don’t want. Hydration is essential.

Maintaining a healthy weight should be relatively understandable if sudden growth directly results in new stretch marks.

Eating foods rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Zinc also helps to maintain healthy skin.

While these solutions won’t remove the stretch marks you may already have, it doesn’t hurt to get into the habit for a more youthful skin to prevent new formations.

Creams and oils

This seems to be the more popular option with the general public. There are many creams on the market that vow to reduce the visibility and color of new and old stretch marks, and they promise to do it fast.

These stretch mark removal creams tend to be more expensive and leave many consumers greatly disappointed.

However, all is not lost.

If you know what to look for in terms of ingredients, creams can be a useful tool. Additionally, oils are excellent home remedies that have helped some people reduce their stretch mark issue.

Here are some ingredients to consider when choosing a cream for treating stretch marks.


People have used creams containing Tretinoin, or Retin-A, to treat skin conditions like wrinkles and stretch marks.

This works because tretinoin contains Retinoid, which is an active cell-building form of Vitamin A that can help reduce the visibility of newer stretch mark scars.

The only drawback is that it may cause redness, irritation, or even skin scaling in those with more sensitive skin types.

Before using products with tretinoin regularly, you should first test it on a small area of your skin.

Collagen Booster

If you use anything that claims to boost your collagen levels, check if the ingredients carry streptin-SD or lupin seed extracts.

These have been known to bolster collagen in your skin, which helps keep it stretchy.

These kinds of creams are perfect for preventing more stretch marks from showing up unexpectedly.

Centella Asiatica

Known as a herbal cure-all, this oil boosts cells that produce collagen and aids in the development of skin tissue when applied to wounds.

It has been found that using this oil on your skin, especially on stretch mark sites, will ease the visibility of these scars and help strengthen the skin.

Bitter Almond Oil

Researchers published a study on the potential benefits of bitter almond oil for pregnant women who want to minimize the number of stretch marks they get during pregnancy.

Only 20 percent of the women in the study developed stretch marks while using the bitter almond oil, and the rest seemed to have a drastic reduction to the number of new stretch marks during the rest of their pregnancy.

Coconut or Jojoba Oil

These are ingredients found in most skin care products to help soften skin and “revive” it.

Coconut oil is a popular choice for lotions and creams to keep your skin hydrated because of its praised ability to absorb instantly into the surface.

Stretch marks tend to form more when skin is dry and dehydrated, so these oils may be what you need to help minimize both the volume of new stretch marks and the appearance.

Argan Oil

Argan oil, another popular oil in skin care products, keeps the skin robust and elastic, preventing stretch marks.

Because it’s so easily accessible and research backs up claims of what this oil can do for your skin, it’s worth a try to keep your body stretch mark-free.

Body Scrubs

This is a method that some dermatologists use to help with stretch marks.

This works by exfoliating the top layers of skin off to help even out the skin around the stretch mark so it will blend in more seamlessly.

Some have found that the sugar scrubs work well for this kind of treatment and discovered success in their use.

You can find a wide variety of body scrubs in any shop, and there are numerous online tutorials that can assist you in creating your own homemade body scrub using everyday items.

Be sure to moisturize the affected area well after you’ve scrubbed thoroughly.

This helps keep irritation to a minimum and hydrates the newly exposed layer of skin to prevent it from tearing later on.

Seeing Your Dermatologist

If the creams don’t suit you and you’d rather see a dermatologist, that’s an excellent option to consider.

Regularly visiting a dermatologist for treatment can be costly, and since most insurances do not cover aesthetic procedures, you will likely have to cover the costs yourself.

Laser or light therapy

Regardless, you’ll likely see better results sooner than you would with creams.

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, or ADSD for short, strongly recommends laser therapy as the best way to significantly improve the appearance of stretch marks and pregnancy stretch marks.

Most patients see a 20 to 60 percent improvement to their stretch marks; however, it can take up to 20 different sessions to get to that point.

Ultrasounds and plasmas

This one sounds a bit odd, but there’s good science backing it up.

They’ll take plasma from your blood right before the procedure and use it to help revive the skin and encourage collagen production.

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy proposed that combining ultrasound therapy with this procedure can provide an excellent treatment option for reducing stretch mark visibility.

Plastic Surgery

This is a classic for anyone who is dissatisfied with certain parts of their body.

Plastic surgery can reduce the appearance of stretch marks by simply removing excess skin. There are certain limitations on who can undergo plastic surgery, and of course, it’s not foolproof.

Unfortunately, any surgery causes scarring and swelling, and recovery time should be considered before making this choice.


Another way to fade out your old stretch mark scars, microneedling is a procedure that jumpstarts your collagen production.

There’s no need for anesthesia, and there’s no downtime required to go through with it.

They use a thin needle to create small perforations over the most affected areas of the skin.

What this does is kickstart your body’s healing process and stimulate the collagen as a result.

Your skin will also be more receptive to active ingredients in skin care products, which can aid your stretch mark issue faster than average.

Once you reach the desired results, you typically only need touch-ups once a year.

Stretch marks don’t have to be part of you

Staying healthy is the first and foremost step towards resolving your stretch mark problem.

Once you’ve achieved a healthy weight and are well hydrated, see what works best for your stretch marks.

One of the best things about stretch marks is that they will fade over time, naturally, without any interference on your end. You just have to be patient.

For those who prefer to expedite the process and achieve smooth skin, there are options available.

You have the freedom to choose what you want to use, but at least we’ve streamlined the process to provide you with the best products and procedures to eliminate stretch marks and insecurities.

It is finally time to don your favorite pair of shorts or display your bikini body without any constraints.

You can look as fantastic as you’ve always wanted to be, wearing clothes that meet your style without worrying about your stretch marks.

It’s time to live again.

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