Provaslim Reviews: Weight Loss Powder Ingredients And Side Effects

Are you interested in learning about the Provaslim Supplement? How does it work? What are its ingredients? What is the dosage? And a lot more? Well, search no more because this article will explain everything you need to know about this supplement and why it stands out among its peers. So, stay tuned and keep reading.

What is Provaslim?

So, before we review this Provaslim supplement, we are going to explain what it is in case this is the first time you are discovering it.

Provaslim is a dietary supplement of metabolic nutrients that help in weight loss and aid gut health.

This is done by promoting effective metabolism by ensuring effective calorie burning, enhancing appetite, and promoting optimal bowel movements. But we will give details on all that later.

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Provaslim Ingredients

For Provaslim to function effectively, it is made up of some of the best and most healthy ingredients. The ingredients have been tested and purified using some of the best processes available.

Hence, below is a list of the ingredients and a detailed explanation of how they work.


Inulin is an ingredient that helps increase bowel movement by making your stool firmer and bulkier. It is also a soluble fiber that helps suppress your desire to eat and gives you a feeling of satiety.

The ingredient is natural because it is derived from chicory plant roots and asparagus. A study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explained that using inulin as a dietary supplement can help decrease fat mass and reduce apatite. Other studies have mentioned that it reduces the brain’s desire for food with high cholesterol.


This ingredient is also known as the “Blood of Mountains” because it is found in the Himalayas and Mt Everest.

Studies on this ingredient have shown that it also helps promote weight loss and gut health. According to a survey by Harsahay Meena et al. in the International Journal of Ayurveda Research, Shilajit can treat digestive-related disorders while performing its primary function (Weight Loss and Gut Health) by aiding in food absorption and digestion in the gastroenteric tract.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape Seed is an ingredient that contains Vitamins, fiber, and Polyphenols. It is also an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties.

The seed is said to help prevent gastrointestinal disease and reduce the risk of gut inflammation. Grape seed also helps regulate how the body absorbs and stores fat from food.

Another fantastic function of the seed is that it helps enhance brain function, increases metabolism and energy levels, and prevents fatigue.

African Mango (Extract)

This ingredient is very rich in dietary Fibre, which means it can help give you a feeling of satiety, reduce your appetite, and promote a healthy metabolism level in the body. In summary, all these functions can help you burn fat and lose weight.


Cinnamon, known as the “King of Spices,” helps promote weight loss and fight digestive issues.

Its importance doesn’t end there. It also helps reduce cravings, minimizes calorie intake, and improves glucose metabolism (which will increase energy). Then, there is the unique flavor, which makes it pleasing to consume.

Green Tea Powder

Green Tea Powder is believed to have served as a medicine in ancient China. Like most Provaslim ingredients, the powder is said to help with Metabolism and Promote Effective Weight Loss.

Acai Berry

Finally, we have the Acai Berry, which, from its name, you will quickly know is a purple fruit. Though it has undergone several conversion processes before, it was added to the Provaslim Ingredient. It is still effective in promoting weight loss, supporting a healthy cholesterol level, and reducing the considerable fat level your body absorbs during food intake.

Another fantastic benefit of it is that it helps enhance brain health.

Provaslim Dosage & Recommendations

Below is the ideal recommended dosage for the Provaslim Supplement. However, it is important to seek a dietitian’s or doctor’s advice before you start taking it.

  • Fetch one scoop of the supplement powder.
  • Mix with water, coffee, or tea. Water is recommended because other substances may contain ingredients that can hinder the supplement’s effectiveness.
  • Take it only once a day.

NOTE: Provaslim offers a 180-day warranty. Therefore, if you take the supplement for 180 days and do not see any changes, you can request a refund. Your money will be refunded without any questions asked.

Benefits of Provaslim Supplement

Provaslim has many benefits, and though we have given hints on some of its benefits while listing the ingredients, we should dedicate a section to explaining the benefits. Below is a detailed explanation of its benefits.

Weight Loss

This is the Primary Benefit of this Supplement. It helps you achieve weight loss by reducing fat absorption in your body and reducing your craving or appetite for food.

Improves your Sleep Quality and Balances your Mood

Though there is no concrete evidence to back this benefit, experts have come up with a theory that the supplement improves your energy levels (Especially when it is taken during the day). It will indirectly influence you with more profound and more quality sleep afterward. Also, quality sleep is often associated with improved mood and mental health.

Promotes Healthy Metabolism

The supplement helps to keep energy burning in your body at a reasonable level by increasing fat oxidation and energy expenditure.

Increased energy level

Like most supplements for weight loss, Provaslim also helps boost your energy level. This is due to the presence of Shilajit and Green Tea powder in the supplement, which are ingredients associated with energy boosts. However, no concrete report exists on how long the energy boost will last.

Healthy Digestion

Ingredients like Shilajit are said to aid in the healthy breakdown of food and promote healthy digestion in the body. This can, in another way, help protect against digestive disorders.

Improved cognitive function

Finally, ingredients like the Acari Berry and Grape Seed extract can help improve cognitive function and overall brain health. Other benefits, such as improved sleep and balanced mood, can also be linked to improved brain health overall.

provaslim Benefits

Does the Provaslim Supplement have adverse effects?

Yes, they do; every medication or supplement has its side effects, especially if they are abused. Below is a list of potential side effects of this supplement.

Kidney or Liver issues

Supplements work like medication; they also need to be broken down by the body before they can effectively function. They are mighty, so an inappropriate use or abuse of the supplement can lead to organ (Kidney, Liver, or even Heart) issues. Also, if you already have an existing condition with these organs, you should stay away from supplements until you seek a doctor’s advice.

Individual Sensitivity

Some people might be allergic or sensitive to certain ingredients in the supplement. We haven’t found any recorded cases yet, but it is still possible.

Purchase Cost

The supplement can be a bit expensive, especially for people in third-world countries.

Where to buy the Provaslim Supplement?

Now that you have learned a lot about Provaslim, you might be wondering where you can buy the supplement, right? Although there might be third-party vendors that sell the supplement, the best and only place I recommend buying it is on the Provaslim official website because buying it elsewhere can put you at risk of purchasing a fake product.

The Provaslim Supplement Pricing and Perks

Based on the information on the official Provaslim website, below is a breakdown of each package’s current pricing and perks.

Single Bottle (30 Days” Supply)

  • Price: $69/Bottle

3 Bottles Package (90 days” supply)

  • Price: $177 (at a discount price of $59 per bottle)
  • Perks: Free shipping.

6 Bottles Package (180 days” supply)

  • Price: $294 (at a discount price of $49 per bottle)
  • Perks: Free shipping.

Tip: If you purchase the supplement for the first time, you should go for the Single Bottle Package. But if you have used it before and are impressed by the results, you should go for the three or six-bottle package because it is far more economical.

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Finally, most of the Provaslim reviews are positive from the customers. We hope you have learned a lot about the Provaslim Supplement, and if you want more reviews on other supplements, you can go through our website for more updates.

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